Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our version of '"TheTwelve Days of Christmas"

3 Furry Ferrets

2 Bearded Dragons

Rope is fun!   Note....1 Bare Christmas Tree


Blitz, Johnny and Pinkie

I'm pooped!... playing is such hard work!

Stephanie and Steve

Baby bump!!

This one's for you Carol! (so quit complaining!)  The holiday season here at the ranch was simply...welcome to the ZOO !  Not that I am complaining of course, we loved just about every minute. We could definitely write a new version of " The Twelve Days of Christmas". All the family was home,  resulting in 3cats,3 ferrets, 2 bearded dragons, and our 2 adult Australian Shepherds, and Nine Pups! Never a dull moment in this household. To top things central vacuum died on Dec. 29th,...and the next morning, we woke up to no water...the line from the dugout was frozen!!!! No water for the house,cows, or horses. I think you can SEE the picture eh?  We all enjoyed each other's company, and the zoo...and brought in the New Year anyways.  The water situation was corrected after an18 hour, round the clock marathon by the outstanding men folk...hats off to the guys!! I wish I had taken pictures of our abominable they came into the house, covered with ice...using the blow torch to melt the ice off zippers..apparently the hazards of using the chain saw/pick-ax etc. to cut through the 1 1/2 foot thick ice to reach the frozen line!  The Jury is still out on my vacuum!  AND more exciting news....we are going to be GRANDPARENTS!  Our daughter Stephanie and partner Steve are expecting for May 24th....with just a little belly bump showing!  So far all is going well, and other than some earlier morning sickness, (which has mostly passed) Steph is feeling good and looking great.  We can hardly wait!!


Prairie Ridge Performance Horses said...

Sounds to me like a GREAT time was had by all!!!
Family and animals really are the best therapy, for anything, but its good when Christmas is involved!!!
By the way, I'm NOT complaining, and I did put a post on my blog for people to get over to yours and visit!!!
Heres wishing you a GREAT year in 2011, lets see what your blue filly can do!!!

Prairie Ridge Performance Horses said...

and I will get to call you "GRANNY", LOL, am SO looking forward to that!!! HAHAHA