Saturday, February 12, 2011


Can't we please go out to play?
Who could resist those eyes!
It feels like spring is just around the corner..was a balmy +4C on Sat. Feb. 12th.  The puppies enjoyed getting out and about, and playing in the snow!

Jasmine and the crew....notice the nice manners!

Digging out the trailer....just in case, as calving is soon to start.

"Need help?  are we moving cows?"
Oz is ever ready to assist!

Some of the girls, hanging out around the feeder and enjoying the break from the cold, nasty weather.

(paint gelding) as usual, living up to his never know where you may find him! Maybe with the girls....or maybe out in the stacks of hay...or maybe just checking everything out around the ranch...on security patrol...a job he takes pretty serious! Nothing gets by him!...and he gets out of anything and everything!!

Mike moving snow, and MORE SNOW!

Pups playing in the snow with mom.
Hugs and Kisses!
A Gold Willow Ranch style Heart....can you see it?

I have my eye on you....til we see you next time!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Today began with another absolutely gorgeous sunrise!...which does help a little bit to ease our sadness at saying good bye to our puppies, as they begin to leave for their new homes.  We would like to congratulate and offer best wishes for a wonderful life together, to all our new puppy families!  We are confident that our puppies and new families will both be well cared for, loved and cherished for many years to come.

A sunrise to take your breathe away.

 has gone to live with his new family
Jack and Claudette Craig
and plans to work cattle at
Mossbank, Sask.

has gone to live with his new family
Kris and Jackie Willard
and plans to work cattle at
Murkinch, Sask.

has gone to live with her new family
Michelle Gareau
and be best friends with her new brother
Duke,(Beagle on right)
at Airdrie, Alberta